- Story Needle
- https://storyneedle.com/
I’m Michael Andrews. I’m a long-time content strategist and content technologist with a special interest in content architecture, governance, and metadata. I am currently seeking a new full time role, so please contact me if you know of an opportunity I can help with. You can learn more about my job search goals from my recent LinkedIn post.
Story Needle is where I ponder the future directions that content strategy practices need to address.
Until recently I was content strategy evangelist at Kontent.ai, a headless content management system. If you interested in reading more of my recent writings, please check out my extensive posts on the Kontent.ai website. You can also check out a tool I created, the content maturity explorer.
Previously, I’ve worked as an independent content strategist in Europe and Asia. I’ve also been a senior manager for content strategy at Publicis Sapient, a leading global consultancy focused on digital transformation.